In 2016, York University piloted the Second Chance Educational Program at NCCW.
The Second Chance Educational Program is designed for participants to earn an Associate of Arts (A.A.) in General Studies via an on-site 60-hour course of college study.
The intent is to prepare participants who will be released from NCCW for gainful employment to which they are well-suited upon their release from NCCW, thus increasing their chances for successful reintegration into their communities, and decreasing the likelihood that they will recidivate.
Faculty have been paid for their participation since its second semester and students receive a deep discount, paying $50 per three-hour course. Even with a grant from the State of Nebraska, the college provides nearly $200,000 in scholarship aid every year.
The call to serve and educate those in prison is one of the most profound ways York University meets its mission to transform lives for Christ. Please invest and help someone find hope and home through the Second Chance program. Would you make an investment today to help the next students?